Juliane Tomann studied cultural studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Wrocław (Poland) from 2001 until 2007, focusing on history with a regional emphasis on Eastern Europe. Having previously worked at various foundations with a historical focus as well as in project and executive management at the Institute for Applied History in Frankfurt (Oder), she received her doctorate in history (with a focus on modern history) from the Free University of Berlin in 2015. Her thesis on “The Structural Transformation of the Culture of History” in the Upper Silesian city of Katowice was awarded the Prize for the Advancement of Scholarship from the Polish Ambassador in 2015.
From 2014 to 2021, Juliane Tomann was a research associate at the Imre Kertész Kolleg at the University of Jena, where she headed the field “History in the Public Sphere” from 2017 onwards. During this time, she conceptualized and coordinated the Jean Monnet Network “Applied European Contemporary History” together with other colleagues and was also active among other things as managing editor of the Cultures of History Forum. During the 2016/17 academic year, she was researching and teaching at Princeton University in the USA. Since December 2021, Juliane Tomann has been a Junior Professor for Public History at the University of Regensburg.
- Performative practices in the culture of history – doing history
- Historical reenactment (USA, Germany, Poland)
- Digital public history
- Gender in public history
- Post-industrial spaces and landscapes
- Polish contemporary history and cultural history of the GDR