Professor Dr. Bernhard Löffler
Professor of Bavarian Regional History at the University of Regensburg.
E-Mail: bernhard.loeffler@ur.de
Phone: +49 941 943 3533

Professor Dr. Jörg Skriebeleit
Cultural studies scholar, historian, and head of the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial.
E-Mail: joerg.skriebeleit@ur.de
Phone: +49 9603 90390 0

Professor Dr. Juliane Tomann
Junior Professor for Public History at the University of Regensburg.
E-Mail: juliane.tomann@ur.de
Phone: +49 941 943 7682

Dr. Bianca Hoenig
Managing Director of the Center for Commemorative Culture.
E-Mail: bianca.hoenig@ur.de
Phone: +49 941 943 7689
Dr. Philipp Bernhard
Phone: +49 941 943 7693
Felix Bruckner
Dr. Regina Schuhbauer
Phone: +49 941 943 7644
Franzsika Strobel
Lydia Simon
Phone: +49 941 943 7691
Lara Berge
Marie Ederer
Sabine Polegek
Anna-Elena Schüler
Scientific Advisory Board
Professor of Art History and Historical Visual Studies at the University of Regensburg

Professor Dr. Vera Beyer
Professor of Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg as well as Head of the Institute for Ethnology at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences

Professor Dr. Daniel Drascek
Professor of Contemporary History and Digital Historiography at the University of Luxembourg as well as Director of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)

Professor Dr. Andreas Fickers
Vice President of the Bavarian State Parliament, Director of the Bavarian Memorials Foundation

Karl Freller, MdL
Professor of the Didactics of History at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Professor Dr. Anke John
Professor of Public Law, Labor Law, and Health Law at the University of Regensburg

Professor Dr. Thorsten Kingreen
Heisenberg Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Regensburg

Professor Dr. Angelika Lingnau
Literary scholar, journalist, and founder of “Literaturhandlung,” a bookstore specializing in literature on Jewish topics

Dr. Rachel Salamander
Director of the Volkstheater in Munich and of the Oberammergau Passion Play

Christian Stückl
Professor of French and Italian Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg

Professor Dr. Isabella von Treskow
Members of the CCC
PD Dr. Magdalena Abel
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml
Prof. Dr. Vera Beyer
PD Dr. Michael Braun
Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchenau
Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat
Prof. Dr. Daniel Drascek
Prof. Dr. Ger Duijzings
Prof. Dr. Birgit Eiglsperger
Prof. Dr. Michael Fricke
Prof. Dr. Angela Ganter
Dr. Christine Grieb
Prof. Dr. Guido Hausmann
Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel (Mitgliedschaft ruht während der Präsidentschaft der UR)
Dr. Birgit Hebel-Bauridl
Prof. Dr. Gunther Hirschfelder
Prof. Dr. Rupert Hochholzer
Prof. Dr. Julian Jachmann
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kingreen
Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller
Prof. Dr. Christian Kunze
Prof. Dr. Rainer Liedtke
Prof. Dr. Angelika Lingnau
Prof. Dr. Martin Löhnig
Prof. Dr. Weyma Lübbe
Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula
Dr. Jacqueline Niesser
Prof. Dr. Jenny Rahel Oesterle-El Nabbout
Prof. Dr. Paul Rössler
Prof. Dr. Harriet Rudolph
Prof. Dr. Katelijne Schiltz
Prof. Dr. Martin Sebaldt
Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer
Prof. Dr. Dirk Steuernagel
Prof. Dr. Isabella von Treskow
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wagner
Prof. Dr. Ralph Witzgall
Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff
Former employees
Leonhard Strobel (research associate)
Caroline Emig (research associate)
Christoph Kaindl (research associate)
Dr. Winfried Helm (project coordination)
Susanne Asenkerschbaumer (design)
Lisa Gärtner (student assistant)
Marie Sedlmair (student assistant)